Gabion Box / Retaining Wall

Gabion Box / Retaining Wall

Gabion Box / Retaining Wall
Gabion Box / Retaining Wall
Gabion Box / Retaining Wall

Gabion box or wall is a retaining wall which is pre fabricated box made of metal wire to create a wall filled with rocks, concrete, or sometimes sand and soil for use in civil engineering, road building, military applications and landscaping. For erosion control, caged riprap is used. For dams or in foundation construction, cylindrical metal structures are used. In a military context, earth- or sand-filled gabions are used to protect sappers, infantry, and artillerymen from enemy fire. Gabion baskets have now become an integral part of building and garden decorative also


  • Sound barrier wall.
  • Shorelines reinforcement.
  • Soil erosion control.
  • River training wall.
  • Garden Decoration / Wall
  • Landscape Wall
  • Noise Protection Wall
  • Advantages:

    1. Modular structure for emergency.
    2. Easy and quick construction.
    3. The most economical retaining systems on the market.
    4. Flexibility ensures differential settlements unlike rigid structure.
    5. Permeability ensuring drainage of backfill and no hydrostatic pressures behind the wall.
    6. Friendly to the environment.